Thursday, December 2, 2010


Today in class i got information from some radio stations and began to call them.
Tomorrow i will try and email the radio stations and ask them if they could do a shout out for our school doing the Operation Gratitude.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This proposition is about the suspension of air pollution laws that controls Greenhouse Gas emissions that cause global warming; until unemployment drops to 5.5%. Given the present state of the economy, unemployment will remain above 5.5% for a very long time. It is presently 12.4%. Voting yes on this would mean the environment would be negatively effected at a time when we should be increasing environmental protections. Voting no on this will ensure clean air and planetary health for future generations.

Monday, September 13, 2010

i'm not a computer Nerd!!!

I fail at this blog!!! Its ridiculous! I do not understand how this works =( But i will eventually get the hang of it! haha

Monday, August 23, 2010


i was able to make my bloggg!!!!